About Us
װעגן אונדז
The Jewish Labour Bund was established in Vilna in 1897 as a Jewish workers' union.
Since its original establishment, the Bund has found homes all over the world, finding its way to Melbourne. The Jewish Labour Bund was established in Melbourne in 1928 and has continued its proud tradition ever since.
Today, the Bund continues to enact its ideological focus on frayhayt, glaykhhayt and gerekhtikayt (freedom, equality and justice), with a focus on secular Jewishness, and Yiddish language and culture.
Members of the Bund have been very active within the wider Melbourne Jewish community and have been instrumental in the establishment of wider Jewish community organizations in Melbourne.
The Jewish Labour Bund in Melbourne also has its own youth group for children aged 8-18, SKIF. The Bund was also responsible for the establishment of the J Waks Cultural Trust, which is focused on Yiddish culture and language, and which established the Mir Kumen On Yiddish choir. The Bund's activities include our annual April 19th Holocaust commemoration, lectures, concerts and publications (including Undzer Gedank).