Chana Mrocki
Memorial Mentorship
די חנה מראָצקי אָנדענק פּראָגראַם
About the Program
Chana Mrocki (nee Korman) was one of the first members of SKIF in Melbourne in 1950. She participated in SKIF as a youth group leader on a voluntary basis for five years (1954-1959) and was a member of Tsukunft. She continued to do voluntary work for SKIF, helping to mentor new helfer, and preparing SKIFistn for performances including the April 19th commemoration from 1960 until her passing.
She was a fabulous teacher who was beloved by her students, colleagues and the parent bodies of the schools in which she taught.
Chana and her husband, Moishe, wrote and edited the English language section of the book ‘60 Years of the Jewish Labour Bund in Melbourne’, so that people who are not literate in Yiddish would be able to learn about our history. They worked on this text for three years.
All those who knew Chana knew her incredible dedication to Yiddish, the Bund and our community. She was an eternal teacher, acting as a mentor across several generations for members of the community.
The Chana Mrocki Memorial Mentorship has been set up to honour Chana’s legacy by cultivating specifically Bundist Yiddish Arts through providing a series of workshops, either virtually or in-person, with key prominent professionals in the field of leftist Yiddish Arts. The mentorship is designed for creating new cultural works in Yiddish on Bundist themes – this includes, but is not limited to Bundist history, political issues (past, current and future), and ideology. The workshops will be run annually, culminating in the new works being exhibited or premiered at the annual Bund yoyvl.
Who can apply?
To be eligible for this program you must be;
18 or over
have intermediate or advanced Yiddish language skills
have experience in the field of social justice, politics or community work

Mentor for 2024

This year's mentor will be award-winning filmmaker Joshua Waletzky (USA). The mentorship will be open to Australian filmmakers (established and aspiring) and will take place between October - December 2024.
Josh Waletzky (born in Brooklyn, NY in 1948) is a documentary filmmaker and a musician, whose careers span five decades. His film work often deals with themes of music and with the world of Yiddish-speaking Jews. In his musical career he has concentrated on Yiddish song, as a researcher, teacher, and singer/songwriter.
Program Structure
Step 1. The mentee (individual receiving mentorship) will notify the program coordinator of their goals for the mentorship
Step 2. Mentees will begin to meet with the mentor for a month of weekly compulsory sessions.
Step 3. Throughout the month, mentees will work on a new artistic piece in Yiddish which reflects the values of the Bund.
Step 4. The mentor program is finalised, with reflection on how the mentee has been able to address their goal.
Step 5. The work of the mentees is to be premiered at an event of the choosing of the Jewish Labour Bund.
Important Dates
20th September - Applications Close (5pm)
Oct-Dec Mentorship Sessions Take Place
Apply Now
To apply, please complete the submission form below and email it to bundmelbourne@gmail.com by 5pm on Friday the 20th of September.